Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Paying For Plastic

Having a November baby with Christmas around the corner makes this an expensive time of the year. O's first birthday and second christmas though his first one he was too young to see further than a meter away let alone anything else. So we've tried to make it special.

Being a first time mum it has struck me how ridiculously expensive toys are. I mean lets face it, 98% of toys for 0-2yrs are plastic that make the same 5 noises over and over or can only count to bloody 3 and get to C of the alphabet. Also since when did kids want to pretend to do the washing up? Hoovers maybe but I'm hardly going to pay £20 for pretend washing up stuff when I can get a bowl, scrubber and some marigolds from poundland for less than a fiver. The dirty dishes come along free 2-3 times a day.

 If only we looked that happy when washing up.
(picture courtesy of ELC) 

Anyhow, since when did they get so expensive? Remembering the days of my Nan getting us to sit and put x's next to what we liked in the Argos catalogue, we'd have a set limit and she'd get what she could. These days it would be to pick one toy in the budget! I know I sound old and tight with money but it saddens me that these toy companies are taking advantage of parents wanting to give their kids what they would really like. 

And then when the most popular toy suddenly goes 'out of stock' you have people selling them for 3x the money. But whats more is PEOPLE ACTUALLY PAY IT. I get we all love our kids but come on this is insane. Now I'm not saying don't spend money on your children do they really need it that much for you to pay more than it's worth? At this rate O will be getting a £20 note and a mince pie with a 'Sorry I tried, they were out of stock' letter from Santa.*

They only want to play with the boxes anyway.

 I mean, look how unimpressed he is.

*Again I'm kidding. Dumbass here made the mistake of getting him a mini drum kit for Christmas. Thanks Santa.

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