Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Fear: Rational or Irrational

Being someone who suffers with anxiety, fear is a big part of my life. I fear going into shops, crossing roads or needing to pee with no toilet nearby.

But a photo I took the other day (bare with me I will show you) made me think how irrational some fears look but how rational they are to the person fearing them.

My fears/phobias include polystyrene (shuddering just typing it), moths and butterfly's and wrists and ankles. Just no, no, bloody no!

You may be chuckling at this as to you it is irrational but to me it is creepy, goose bump causing nightmares. While they may not kill me polystyrene is like nails on a chalk board to me, moths and butterflies are just scary mo'fo's and wrists and ankles have veins, why can we see veins?! It should not be allowed! (Plus house of wax and kill bill did not help with the ankle part)

My point of this post is thinking of fear with our children, I took this photo and cried with laughter as to me its hilarious and adorable but now I think about it deeper I feel like a right cow for even laughing. The photo you ask?

O is terrified of teddies. Doesn't matter if its a bear, dog or bloody hippo it could be anything but to him its the devil.

I have to admit I am chuckling again at the picture and admit it takes a bit of frustration away from the fact its a £40 build a bloody bear. Also helps take away the annoyance from the fact we went all the way to town excited for him to make a build a bear, even got extras like a smelly thing so it smells like artificial disgusting bananas and he just hid away the whole time.

It'll be a photo that I bring out when his older and we can hopefully laugh about it together but now I have all the teddies away in the top cupboard (I'm a tad worried this will give him a fear of the cupboard now however) and will try again in a few weeks and hope its just a phase.

Fear may seem irrational to you but remember it must be rational to some for it to be there a all. Now excuse me while I go eat chocolate to hide away my guilt.


  1. Hey Amber.... just want to say I hate polystyrene too! I dont have anxiety but I agree that its the devils work! Great start to your blog :) Holly (BC Nov 14) xx

  2. I love your blog I also think veins are super creepy and suffer from ptsd and anxiety. This picture is worth a million ;-) Super cute baby and it also shows how others fears or worries can seem so funny to everyone until it's their own :-)

  3. I love your blog I also think veins are super creepy and suffer from ptsd and anxiety. This picture is worth a million ;-) Super cute baby and it also shows how others fears or worries can seem so funny to everyone until it's their own :-)

  4. Im so glad i didn't get him a Teddy for his birthday lol xxx
