Lets start at the beginning of the day where O thinks it's incredibly normal for humans to wake up at 6am and that fellow bigger humans like being woke up by being hit in the face (yes he was in our bed due to a rubbish night.. AGAIN). So up we get so he can eat weetabix and watch what they class as kids programmes on t.v.
I aim for us to leave at 12, nice a simple stroll to the bus stop with Daddy who's got an interview to go to. NO. That will never happen, why do I even muse myself that it might?
Daddy realises his interview is 12:10pm NOT 12:40pm, que us rushing around to get ready, I can only find one of O's shoes and he's now wearing odd socks for the day. We get to the bus stop with 7 minutes exactly to spare. Then I realise the dreaded fact that O does not have one of his dummys. No way can I travel all day without a dummy. I have 7 minutes, surely I can run home and grab one and get back. Lets test out my nursing bra for durability.
I'm back in time though hardly breathing. The bus ends up being 10 minutes late any way. Cheers driver.
We get into Birmingham centre and after a dash to the loo because pee can form when you haven't even drank anything we go to the tram station. But no, once again things are not so simple. I can not get it from the tram station and have to get a replacement bus to the next tram station. Fan. Dabby. Dosey.
Finally we get on the tram. I have no idea I am meant to park up the pram and take O out so soon get lectured about that. As I'm taking him out people get on and kindly take the 'priority' seats on which I was sat. I stand and smile while gritting my teeth though thankfully the ticket man does explain to them so I end up get half the seat at the end. Nice.
An elderly lady gets on the next stop with one of those granny push/pull along shopping holders (yeah sorry I don't know the technical term, my bad) and as we leave the station she shouts 'Hello everyone' to which people reluctantly says hello back (a bit like those cheesy pantomimes we went to as a kid) then she starts praying for everyone, at the top of her voice. Obviously everyone shares glances with each other in that awkward silence. Then she comes across me holding O, 'Bless you mother and your baby' I thank her and she moved to the rail by the door but looks uncomfortable standing up. I ask the two seat pinchers to budge up and offer this lady the seat next to me to which she thanks me.
She then starts talking to O and we discover they share the same birthday (obviously from me telling her, O's not that advanced yet), She again prays for him and, then bless her heart, forces £3 into his hand. O obviously looks confused and hands me the money and I thank her kindly and say she does not have to do that but she just sits there for the last 5 minutes of the journey saying prayer for us. Very sweet but very awkward. Also made me a tad nervous something bad was going to happen.
We get off at our stop, do what we have to do then I decide to have a wonder around as the Black Friday sales are on, at this point O starts moaning for food, turns out the banana I bought with me did not survive the journey so off we go with his £3 to get him a sandwich and some fruit (maybe a few chocolate buttons too). While he's sat eating his sandwich I get that dreaded woft come from him, the one where you know its not good news. Sure enough its everywhere and its a swift run (all this running!) to the first baby changing unit.
O decided he is sh*t scared of heights suddenly and the whole time he is lay on the unit while I'm cleaning his mess he is clinging to my arm and screaming for his dear little life because the not even meter drop is horrendous. Done and back in the pram to finish his sandwich.
So tram home, we get on and there is a skinny older male with a heavy Jamiacan accent in a red kilt on and big headphones singing at the top of his voice. 'I just want you to loveee meee' while swinging his arms around with his can of what must be super strong beer. O finds him scary and starts crying (this child is scared of everything recently) so we move to the next carriage, as we walk past the male shouts 'AWW BABA YOU LOOK SO CUTE' I am praying he was on about O.
1&1/2 hours later after being stuck in traffic on the bus and O deciding now was a good time to want to try and run around, we get home. Finally. I am never getting a tram again.